Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
The Reason Why Jehovah's Witnesses Will Never Prosper Is The Children
by minimus ini believe that the religion will remain stagnant due to their achilles heel, the kids, the children, that next generation.. most of them really don't wa t to be in the religion.
the parents may have tried everything within their power to make the kids love jehovah but we all know you can't force someone to love you and you can't make a grown person stay in a relationship or situation if they really don't want to be there..
Brokeback Watchtower
I think the goal of these CEOs in the Watchtower Corporation is to indoctrinate the children as quick as possible and get them baptized at an early age or as soon as possible into the organization so that you have a tighter grip on them and put them to work making profits for the corporation and even fleece their ice cream money or what ever they can get out of them for as long as they can. Corporationally speaking that is and after all they are in the driver's seat of Jehovah's chariot and can do no wrong. -
OMG, I’m gonna get Old and Die.
by John Aquila inwhen it finally clicked,.
and you realized there was no 1914, there was no generation that would see the end of a wicked system, there was no paradise around the corner, .
what went through you mind?.
Brokeback Watchtower
When I first realized that it was all bull shit I was happy because I no longer had to go to meeting and field service for the WT corporation, I was happy that I no longer had that obligation in my life to soak up and waste what remaining time I have left in this life's(I was about 45 at that time) . But shortly I also had the realization that I was going to loose my family and all my friends and that made me mad and want some type of revenge for all the lies I was told and time I wasted selling their books and magazine door to door not to mention money donated and and hard labor I gave to the corporation. I had fantasies about killing all the Governing Body but could not make a good plan without loosing my own life so after a couple of months I gave up all my fantasizing and saw the need to heal myself psychologically and try to get on with my life and live it to the full before I go to the grave.
It was a very rough time and made me more introspective then I already was, but all in all it has taught me a lot and now I feel much more at peace and I'm just happy to no longer be under the influences of this screwed up Corporation.
Was it worth it?
by John Aquila infor those of you who left family and friends and had to start over from scratch just to get out of the organization, was it worth it?.
Brokeback Watchtower
I have to say yes but with mental regrets. I wish I could repair the damage the WT corporation's delusional teachings has done to my family still in but other than that I'm glad I'm some what free of listening to these delusional ass holes speak. -
and Moses came down the mountain on his....DUCATI
by snare&racket inworst day in the last ten years, was the day i hit 0.00 with one and a half years of university to go.
nobody to turn to, nobody to ask for help.
i was 32 and as an ex jw had two family members in contact with me.
Brokeback Watchtower
Nice one. -
Govening Body and JWN
by John Aquila indo you think any members of the governing body visit this site-jwn regularly?.
how about the heavies in the organization, like the writers, lawyers, and other who work at headquarters?.
for all we know john aquila could be a member of the gb..
Brokeback Watchtower
Reminds me of a joke i heard when I was a kid 50 years ago.
A lady with a big rubbery mouth that flaps in exaggeration every time every time she speaks kinda like rubber faced Lett on the GB. Well anyway she goes to the doctor and asks him a real dumb question with her lips flapping wide all over the place she asks:"Doctor how can you tell the size of a lady's vagina before you actually see it? He says: "by the size of her mouth" and she says with puckered lips tighter then an anal orifice: "You don't say"
So the moral of my story is if you see Stevey Lett with his lips all puckered and speaking normal there is a good chance he's read some comments here on JWD>
Govening Body and JWN
by John Aquila indo you think any members of the governing body visit this site-jwn regularly?.
how about the heavies in the organization, like the writers, lawyers, and other who work at headquarters?.
for all we know john aquila could be a member of the gb..
Brokeback Watchtower
I believe they have some kind of intelligence program, what it is, not sure. I highly doubt the GB visit, I think they do their best to stay in fantasy land.
Yes the intelligence program is the same one the ostrich has with his head in the sand.orperhaps they have the same one as this guy: -
by Jonathan Drake inif you are a current practitioner of some religious faith i would appreciate it if you abstained from this thread entirely.
im curious if anyone has had what could be discribed as a spiritual experience.
i'm currently reading sam harris book waking up and it's very good so far.
Brokeback Watchtower
Your comment suggests that without what you consider a belief in a deity one becomes a selfish, hedonistic monster. It isn't supported by empirical data, which suggests the opposite.
Quite to the contrary but what I really would hope is that that I made the point that our ancient DNA has built in a hard wired system psychologically in our unconscious that used Deities. T to understand this is of a benefit to us psychologically. Never would I use it to imply that lack of Deity worship leads debauchery.
by Jonathan Drake inif you are a current practitioner of some religious faith i would appreciate it if you abstained from this thread entirely.
im curious if anyone has had what could be discribed as a spiritual experience.
i'm currently reading sam harris book waking up and it's very good so far.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think some might be intrested in Jung's work about man and symbols:
by Jonathan Drake inif you are a current practitioner of some religious faith i would appreciate it if you abstained from this thread entirely.
im curious if anyone has had what could be discribed as a spiritual experience.
i'm currently reading sam harris book waking up and it's very good so far.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think it is important to acknowledge man's spiritual side and not take a extreme materialistic approach to man's psychological condition.
The worship of Deities is part of our psychological make up for 100s of thousands of years and maybe more as his mind entered the ages of reason and intellectual ability it is therefore embedded deep in our unconscious drives and should not be ignored or else it can cause unpleasant results.
I'm all for new forms of spirituality that will satisfy man's needs to be more whole and in touch with himself and sometimes just taking the time to go inward by sitting quietly has tremendous reward as it allows for more connection and awareness.
Jehovah's Shadow
by Brokeback Watchtower injehovah is a god of love, he's always right, he knows everything, every decision he makes must not be challenged or else face his terrible destructive and deserved rage.
satan is jehovah's psychological hook on which he hangs all shadow projection of his own evil of which he is in serious denial of, since in his own mind he can do no wrong and must never be challenged, and every challenger must be defeated and destroyed forever.. this is where the extreme lopsidedness of this mythology lies which creates a psychological lopsidedness in his worshipers who consider him flawless in attributes.
this makes it hard for the worshiper to see the world clearly(denial), because of his own viewpoint of sin and the need to be sinless and flawles in devotion/obediance which causes him loose a large part of him self through denial of his own nature.. this constant denial by the worshipers of this deity's evil side is not healthy psychologically, and is partly/or largely to blame for a lot of cruelty in the world by the shadow projections they cause by denying one's own evil.
Brokeback Watchtower
The worshiper of this lopsided Deity will when asked about the Deities fit of rage as in say the biblical flood where a mass destruction involving vast amounts innocent carnage they will justify it and will side with the Deities behavior and label it just and loving and appropriate actions on his behalf and deny any immoral conduct on his part.
Denial of one's own shadow and a dimness of understanding takes place in the process which probably shrinks many neurons through lack of use because of the extreme bias cause by denial. Now imagine this process at work in 50% or more of life's decisions and we see the accumulitive effects of such mental regulating of in the minds of those worshipers and the effect it has on the world.